essential grammar in use, unit 9 and additional exercises 5~7

have got have got sth have got sth 意思上等于 have sth, 但是使用上有一些需要注意的地方。 have got sth, have 占的是 do 的位置,所以在疑问句中,前一种是 Have you got sth?, 后一种是 Do you have sth?. 我怀疑是因为 do 用的太多了,所以被大家都省略使用了,如果 do 不省略的话,那就应该对应的非常工整了,比如 have got sth -> do have sth. has 这种第三人称也是该缩写就缩写,比如 he has got -> he's got, 所以以后看到 he's 这种缩写,不一定是 he is 还有可能是 he has. have got to do sth have got to do sth 意思是必须做什么,口语里面经常缩写成 have gotta do sth....

<span title='2023-02-21 07:50:00 +0800 CST'>2023-02-21</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;186 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;RamLife